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Meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Natalia Moseichuk

Meeting with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees Natalia Moseichuk


The annual meeting, and one of the most eagerly awaited, brought together the teams from all the Superheroes School educational centres.

For the sake of constructiveness, a new look, modern ideas and moving forward. The teams of the educational centres of the Superheroes School met with the Chairman of the Board of Trustees, 1+1 Marathon and TSN presenter, interviewer Natalia Moseichuk.

From a 'statutory' event, this has long since become a platform for discussion, where Natalia knows every teacher by name.

We try to live our lives in such a way that later, several decades after the war, our adult students will say: 'even during the war, teachers worked with me in the hospital', or 'it was in the hospital that I met a teacher who explained to me what my strength was, and I concentrated and achieved'. Meeting a teacher while ill in hospital should be a real miracle for children. When they reassess themselves: their skills, their abilities; when they set new standards and realise that there are adults who can help them without compensation. For me, this is the main goal of our teachers,' says Natalia Moseichuk.

For example, they discussed the possibility of expanding the educational space at the Zhytomyr Regional Hospital, as more and more children want to study there. And also that students leave the Superheroes School with more than just knowledge and memories. It is important that, especially in the first period after leaving the school, the students feel the changes gradually. And this is where the teachers of the Superheroes School from the Kryvyi Rih TB Clinic shared their experience of supporting a Superhero and his family at home. We believe that with the help of our fairy, Natalia Moseychuk, another classroom will soon open in the Kharkiv Education Centre. The premises and the project are already in place.

The Fairy Godmother of the Superheroes School explains: "I have seen many stories of children who have gone through hospital schools and remember them with gratitude. That's why I am absolutely convinced that a hospital should not put a child's life and education on hold. We are building a network. We are looking for new teachers who are close to us in spirit. Vinnytsia, Kryvyi Rih, plus a centre in Lviv - these are the plans for 2024). We try to find OUR people. We communicate often. We have become a practice of long-distance communication. We talk about purely educational matters and just 'about life'. I tell my colleagues what I hear from specialists and experts. They tell me about specific little lives. The stories of the so-called 'state children' are particularly touching. You realise how much still needs to be done in the country. How much needs to be changed. Sometimes I feel so helpless. Then I get together with my colleagues and do what needs to be done. This is what the little patients in the hospital schools are waiting for. Especially when the teachers tell us how many children with catheters in their hands and in wheelchairs are waiting for them at the door of the Superhero Schools at ten in the morning. The children ask indignantly, 'Why does the school open so late? This is the best recognition I have ever heard".

We thank you, Ms Natalia, for your inspiration and attention, help, support and a reliable shoulder. And we will work together to ensure that as many children as possible who have been hospitalised by fate have uninterrupted access to education.

’Our meetings are about constructive dialogue that gives us inspiration and strength to move forward. It is about sharing energy that allows you to see a way out where at first glance there is none. We are united by the global goal of ensuring that children do not lose their childhood despite difficult circumstances. And that childhood should include knowledge and a teacher to support their development, creativity and positive emotions, even if it is within the walls of a hospital. We believe that it is always more effective to work side by side with professionals who have a good and sincere heart. After all, we work in a field where sincerity and love are essential. That is why we are boldly stepping forward with our large, professional and courageous team’, said Natalia Zhylinska, acting director of the Superheroes School.

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